Tachyon Assembler Workbench
Demonstration Download


Installation Instructions

  1. Download snjrt.exe and run it to install the required support files for the Tachyon Un-Xmit GUI. The file is 7.0 Megabytes.
    Note: you can skip this step if you do not want to try the GUI at this time. You can downalod and install it later to enable the GUI.

  2. Download tachyon.exe and run it to install the Tachyon Assembler Workbench components, including the Tachyon 390 Cross Assembler, the Tachyon File Tools, and the Tachyon Operating System. The file is 3.5 Megabytes.

  3. Verify the installation using the instructions for the Tachyon 390 Cross Assembler, the Tachyon File Tools and the Tachyon Operating System. These instructions are also in the readme files installed with the products.

  4. To set up the software for use on your own programs, follow the instructions in the Tachyon 390 Cross Assembler and Tachyon z/Assembler User’s Guide, the Tachyon File Tools User’s Guide and the Tachyon Operating System User’s Guide. These guides are also included in the archive.

  5. To obtain a full free trial license, follow the instructions included with the demonstration software.

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Last modified on April 30, 2006