
Load the Product Files

To install the Windows version of the Tachyon Operating System, run the provided self-extracting installation program. The installation program will create the required directories and copy the product files. The installation program will also create a Windows Program Group which will contain icons allowing you to easily view the documentation or remove the Tachyon Operating System.

To install the UNIX or Linux version of the Tachyon Operating System, extract the files from the supplied tar file (which may need to be decompressed).

Verify the Installation

After the installation is complete, you can verify that the Tachyon Operating System is working correctly by running the supplied Installation Verification program (IVP).

To run the IVP on Windows, open a DOS window and change the current working directory to the IVP subdirectory of the directory into which you installed the Tachyon Operating System. Normally this directory will be C:\Tachyon\IVP. Next, run the TOSIVP.BAT file. This will execute the tosivp.pgm program in the debugger. You can use the run and quit commands to watch the program execute, but you can try any of the debugger commands described in chapter 6. After the job has been run, you can view the SYSOUT files that were created in the C:\Tachyon\spool directory. The tosivp.pgm file is the linked output from the Tachyon z/Assembler’s IVP.

To run the IVP on UNIX or Linux, get a command line prompt and change the current working directory to the ivp subdirectory of the directory into which you extracted the product files. Next, run the ./tosivp command. This will execute the tosivp.pgm program in the debugger. You can use the run and quit commands to watch the program execute, but you can try any of the debugger commands described in chapter 6. After the job has been run, you can view the SYSOUT files that were created in the spool subdirectory. The tosivp.pgm file is the linked output from the Tachyon z/Assembler’s IVP.

Complete the Set-Up

After the installation has been verified, you may need to customize the Tachyon Operating System option settings. To change these settings, you must edit the configuration files. On Windows, these files are normally installed in the C:\Tachyon directory. On UNIX and Linux, these files are normally in the directory into which you extracted the product files. The configuration files are described in the next section.

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Introduction Setup Programs Files Running Testing Compatibility Customization Messages Codes

© Copyright 1998-2001, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on January 21, 2001