
There are two ways to prepare programs to be run by the Tachyon Operating System. The first way is to generate object code files and then to link them into load modules using the Tachyon Linkage Editor. The second way is to extract load modules from downloaded OS/390 PDS load libraries using Tachyon Un-Xmit. Both the Tachyon Linkage Editor and Tachyon Un-Xmit are included in the Tachyon File Tools product. Since both the Tachyon File Tools and the Tachyon Operating System are included in the Professional Edition of the Tachyon Assembler Workbench, both methods will normally be available to you.

The basic procedure for using Tachyon Un-Xmit to prepare programs is to first create an exportable copy of some or all members of a PDS load library using the TSO TRANSMIT (or XMIT) command. The exportable copy must then be downloaded to your workstation in binary format using any available file transfer method. Finally, Tachyon Un-Xmit can be used to extract programs from the downloaded TRANSMIT file. Each program will be extracted to a separate file on your workstation. Use of Tachyon Un-Xmit is fully described in the Tachyon File Tools User’s Guide.

To prepare programs using the Tachyon Linkage Editor, you need the object code files. These can be generated on the mainframe and downloaded to your workstation or they can be generated using the Tachyon 390 Cross Assembler, the Tachyon z/Assembler or a cross compiler running on your workstation. The object files are then read by the Tachyon Linkage Editor to produce load modules for use by the Tachyon Operating System. Except for the JCL interface, use of the Tachyon Linkage Editor is fully described in the Tachyon File Tools User’s Guide. The JCL interface is described later in this chapter.

Whichever method is used to prepare programs, the program files must be organized in directories and have a common file name extension. The directory and extension chosen must then be listed in the path pattern value of the PATH parameter of a DSNMAPxx.ini DSNMAP configuration file statement. The DSNMAP statement must also include FILEDATA(BINDER) unless this attribute is inherited from a DSNMAPxx.ini DSATTR statement. This form of the DSNMAP statement defines a simulated load library which can be referenced by data set name from LNKLSTxx.ini or LPALSTxx.ini configuration files or from JOBLIB or STEPLIB DD JCL statements.

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© Copyright 1998-2001, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on January 21, 2001