Tachyon Update Utility - JCL Interface

If you use the Tachyon Operating System, you can run jobs containing JCL that invokes the IEBUPDTE program. The Tachyon Operating System converts any job step containing EXEC PGM=IEBUPDTE to a call to the tuu program, passing the appropriate command line parameters.

Some of the JCL parameters and control files discussed here are specific to the Tachyon Operating System. Please refer to the Tachyon Operating System User’s Guide for more information about the JCL and control files used by the Tachyon Operating System.

The following JCL skeleton can be used to invoke the Tachyon Update Utility:

//SYSUT1   DD ...
//SYSUT2   DD ...
//SYSIN    DD *
control statements
The JCL statements specific to running the Tachyon Update Utility are:


The EXEC statement must name the IEBUPDTE program or another program that uses the LINK service to call the iebupdte.pgm program. The PARM parameter may specify NEW or MOD. If omitted, the default is PARM=MOD. No STEPLIB or JOBLIB DD statement is required since the iebupdte.pgm file is normally installed into the simulated SYS1.LINKLIB.


A DD statement for SYSIN is required. The SYSIN DD statement defines the control statement file containing the control statements to be processed by the Tachyon Update Utility. The SYSIN DD can refer to a sequential file, a simulated partitioned data set member or an in-stream data set. If multiple data sets are concatinated to the SYSIN DD statement, only the first data set will be read. For a sequential file, the SYSIN DD statement may contain a PATH parameter to identify the file or it may contain a DSN parameter naming a data set defined in a DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file. For a partitioned data set member, the SYSIN DD statement must contain a DSN parameter naming a member in a simulated partitioned data set defined in a DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file. The RECFM is assumed to be F and the LRECL is assumed to be 80 regardless of the DCB specification.


A DD statement for SYSUT1 is required unless PARM=NEW is specified. The SYSUT1 DD statement defines the “Old Master” containing the data to be updated. The SYSUT1 DD can refer to a sequential file or a simulated partitioned data set. If multiple data sets are concatinated to the SYSUT1 DD statement, only the first data set will be read. For a sequential file, the SYSUT1 DD statement may contain a PATH parameter to identify the file or it may contain a DSN parameter naming a data set defined in a DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file. For a partitioned data set member, the SYSUT1 DD statement must contain a DSN parameter naming a simulated partitioned data set defined in a DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file. The RECFM is assumed to be F and the LRECL is assumed to be 80 regardless of the DCB specification. FILEDATA=TEXT, FILEDATA=RECORD or FILEDATA=BINARY may be specified on the DD statement or the DSNMAP entry. If FILEDATA=RECORD or FILEDATA=BINARY is specified, the contents of SYSUT1 are assumed to contain EBCDIC fixed length records - otherwise the SYSUT1 is assumed to contain ASCII text lines.


A DD statement for SYSUT2 is required unless the control statement file contains only CHANGE statements with UPDATE=INPLACE. The SYSUT2 DD statement defines the “New Master” containing the data to be updated. The SYSUT2 DD can refer to a sequential file or a simulated partitioned data set. If multiple data sets are concatinated to the SYSUT2 DD statement, only the first data set is recognized. For a sequential file, the SYSUT2 DD statement may contain a PATH parameter to identify the file or it may contain a DSN parameter naming a data set defined in a DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file. For a partitioned data set member, the SYSUT2 DD statement must contain a DSN parameter naming a simulated partitioned data set defined in a DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file. The RECFM is assumed to be F and the LRECL is assumed to be 80 regardless of the DCB specification. FILEDATA=TEXT, FILEDATA=RECORD or FILEDATA=BINARY may be specified on the DD statement or the DSNMAP entry. If FILEDATA=RECORD or FILEDATA=BINARY is specified, the contents of SYSUT2 will contain EBCDIC fixed length records - otherwise the SYSUT2 will contain ASCII text lines.


A DD statement for SYSPRINT is required. The SYSPRINT DD statement defines the listing file containing the activity report generated by the Tachyon Update Utility. The SYSPRINT DD can refer to a sequential file, a simulated partitioned data set member, SYSOUT or a DUMMY data set. For a sequential file, the SYSPRINT DD statement may contain a PATH parameter to identify the file or it may contain a DSN parameter naming a data set defined in a DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file. For a partitioned data set member, the SYSIN DD statement must contain a DSN parameter naming a member in a simulated partitioned data set defined in a DSNMAPxx.ini configuration file. The listing will be written to the file as ASCII text with ASA control characters regardless of the DCB specification.

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© Copyright 1999-2003, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on January 1, 2003