Tachyon Update Utility - Command Line Interface

The Tachyon Update Utility can be invoked either via JCL or via the command line interface described here. The command line interface is invoked via the tuu program. The most obvious way to start the tuu program is by opening a command-line window and typing the command. The tuu program can also be started from other programs or script files.

The command line syntax for the Tachyon Update Utility command line interface program is:

tuu [-parm {NEW|MOD}|-new|-mod] [-@parameter-file-name]
    [-sysut1 file-name-or-path-pattern [-r1]]
    [-sysut2 file-name-or-path-pattern [-r2]]
    [-sysprint file-name] control-file-name
The command line interface program name is tuu. If the directory containing the tuu program is not in the PATH, then the path name must be specified. e.g. C:\Tachyon\tuu
The file name of the file containing the control statements is required unless the control statements are piped to or redirected to stdin as ASCII text.
-parm {NEW|MOD}|-new|-mod
The -parm NEW option specifies that only ADD control statements are in the control statement file and that the “Old Master” (SYSUT1) file is not required. The default is -parm MOD, which will require the SYSUT1 file. -parm NEW can also be specified as -new and -parm MOD can also be specified as -mod.
The -@ command line parameter may be used to provide the linkage editor with command line parameters that are in a file. This can help you overcome the severe limitations on the length of the command line imposed by Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME. (Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Linux and UNIX do not have these limitations.) A file name must immediately follow the -@ parameter. Multiple -@ parameters are allowed but the -@ parameter itself is not allowed within a file referenced by the -@ parameter. The -@ parameter is logically replaced with the contents of the file.
-sysut1 file-name-or-path-pattern
The -sysut1 parameter specifies the file name or path pattern of the “Old Master” containing the data to be updated. This parameter is ignored if -parm NEW is specified.
The -r1 option indicates that the SYSUT1 file(s) contain fixed length EBCDIC records. If -r1 is not specified, the SYSUT1 file(s) are assumed to contain ASCII text lines. The -r1 option is required to process CHANGE UPDATE=INPLACE control statements.
-sysut2 file-name-or-path-pattern
The -sysut2 parameter specifies the file name or path pattern of the “New Master” containing the updated data. The -sysut2 parameter is ignored if the control statement file only contains CHANGE UPDATE=INPLACE control statements.
The -r2 option indicates that the SYSUT2 file(s) will contain fixed length EBCDIC records. If -r2 is not specified, the SYSUT2 file(s) will contain ASCII text lines.
-sysprint file-name
The -sysprint parameter specifies the file name of the listing file. If this parameter is not specified, then the listing will be written to stdout.

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© Copyright 1999-2005, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on April 13, 2005