Access Methods


This release of the Tachyon Operating System has the following limitations:


The Tachyon Operating System supports the BSAM and QSAM access methods for sequential, SYSIN, SYSOUT, DUMMY, UNIX files and simulated partitioned data set members and directories. Most of BSAM and QSAM is supported, with the following limitations:


The Tachyon Operating System supports the BDAM access method to access sequential files with fixed-length, unkeyed records (RECFM=F,KEYLEN=0,FILEDATA=RECORD) that were previously loaded using BSAM or QSAM. The CHECK, CLOSE, OPEN, READ and WRITE services are supported for a BDAM DCB. Requests for CHECK are ignored because all I/O is marked as completed after a READ or WRITE request, allowing WAIT to be used for the DECB. The BDAM DCB must have MACRF of RI, RIC, WI, WIC, (RI,WI) or (RIC,WIC). MACRF codes A, K, S and X are not supported nor are OPTCD=E and LIMCT. Only READ DI, READ DIF, WRITE DI and WRITE DIF are supported. The FREEDBUF and RELEX services are not supported.


The Tachyon Operating System supports the BPAM access method to access simulated partitioned data sets in input mode. The BLDL, CHECK, CLOSE, DEBCHK, FIND, LINK(X), LOAD, NOTE, OPEN, POINT, READ, RDJFCB and XCTL(X) services are supported for a BPAM DCB. The limitations on NOTE and POINT for BSAM also apply to BPAM. TTRs are defined similarly to the way they are in z/OS’s PDSE support.


The Tachyon Operating System supports the VSAM access method to access VSAM files in input mode. The OPEN and CLOSE services are supported for VSAM ACBs. The CHECK, ENDREQ, GET and POINT services are supported for VSAM RPLs. The BLDVRP and DLVRP services are ignored. The GENCB, MODCB, SHOWCB and TESTCB services are supported for VSAM control blocks. Most of VSAM for input is supported, with the following limitations:

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© Copyright 1998-2006, Tachyon Software® LLC.
Last modified on January 2, 2006